B2 is so satisfying yet so unsatisfying

B2 is an amazing achievement worth of every praise, but its like finally being able to dig a dull thick spoon dip inside the surface of hard frosty icecream and taking a well deserved big bite, But just as youre about dig in for another spoonfull your spoon breaks.

What i mean by this is, B2 is such a great level to be at to travel, make freinds, consume not so demanding media, but so much native content is still off limits to you like films, and written master pieces that really awaken your soul

Its quite a formidible level yet such a humble level to be at, the more you know, the more you realize how much you dont know.

The more you realize that the target lang your sailing through isnt a lake your sailing through but an endless ocean

submitted by /u/Sea_Veterinarian_719
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