Trying to learn to read understand Urdu

Hey so I'm a brown person, my parents were Pakistani and they spoke urdu to me since I was young. I talk almost fluently in it to my parents but I can't read it. I wanna learn how to read it to take a test. My parents how to read the religious Arabic since I was young and I still can. When I look at urdu I can make out the noises and sounds cuz I know how each letter sounds, but the word or sound overall comes out as something I can't understand. Even though I can almost perfectly speak and understand.

Do others have this problem too? How much would it take for me to be able to read and understand it so I can take my test, I dont need to learn how to write it. Any advice on how I should go about this, and any similar stories?

submitted by /u/bubblepopcherry
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