French or Chinese?

This is probably a dumb question and I think I know what is the logical language to choose given my circumstances but I still wanted to ask. Long story short. I am currently living in Taiwan and will be for the next 1 to 2 years. During that time I will be teaching English and earning my teaching certification. I plan to move to the UK (I’m an American) and teach there. The UK is currently in higher demand for a foreign language teacher than a regular teacher so I’d like to master(or become good enough to teach basics) a second language to specialize in. I studied French growing up and still remember a decent amount of it and could probably learn it very well in the next two years. However I am living in a Chinese speaking country and know some basic Chinese(really beginner) Chinese. So. Which language should I strive to focus on and learn. Chinese or French? French would be easier but it’s not as logical to learn since I am in Taiwan for some time. Also I feel like saying I speak French but never lived there (have visited) sounds fraud like, but it would be soo much easier to learn than Chinese. Please advise!

submitted by /u/IGoHere28
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