Cracking German C2 level/exam

Hi all! I'd love to pick up advice from you guys who have reached C2 in German - or another language - and passed the C2 exam.

I'm a native EN speaker and have been learning German for just over 2 years. I passed a C1 level exam very early on (within first 6 months of learning from scratch) but it's a very different thing from C2. And to reach what I would consider an actual C1 took me another 4 months easily so it was a year in all for me to get to a real-life C1. But this time again I am aiming for C2 exam first, rather than C2 level.

I got the C2 level coursebook Endstation and its accompanying exercises book. Aside from that I am feeling guilty as I am in the enjoyment phase of the language and now watching a lot of series and films on a daily basis and reading a long book. Reading does require more active learning as there is a lot of new vocab and idiomatic use of language, etc. but I still feel like I am missing out on a pro strategy to cinch in the C2 level. Any pro tips? Thanks for any help!

Edit: I seem to have gotten a few downvotes already. Would love to hear the feedback on why those downvotes. I might learn something.

submitted by /u/FormNo
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