This morning I noticed the LLN extension is now called "LR", or "Language Reactor". What do you think?

I knew the name change was coming, but I noticed this today. When they first announced the name change, I found it really strange, but it's growing on me now. The same extension now works in both Netflix and YouTube. Let's hope (or rather, let's lobby!) they expand support for Disney Plus, WeTV, Iqiyi, Skillshare and more.

What might happen now is that with the name change people might be fooled by the copycat extension with almost the same name that is now gaining ground in the Chrome store. Other Chrome extensions with similar functions are:

GlotDojo (Works with Iqiyi and WeTV, allows you to upload custom subtitles and copy subtitle lines with Alt+C)

Netflix Dual Subtitle by Niko, which is older than LLN/LR by about a year, and I used it until I discovered LLN

I posted a more detailed comparison and pro/cons of existing extensions here.

What do you think of their name change of LLN to LR? Do you know of any extension that works with other video sites, such as Disney Plus?

submitted by /u/SpanishInput
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