learning japanese and korean

I'm at an upper intermediate/ advanced level in Korean. The thing is, I started studying Japanese recently and I'm afraid of mixing both languages (mostly vocabulary wise). I know it's not advised to learn those 2 languages at the same time but since I have a strong foundation in korean I still gave it a try. The problem is: I noticed that when I review Japanese vocabulary or read sentences I can't help but compare the 2 languages like "ho wait what's this word in Korean?" For example: I would see 写真 and translate it in korean 사진 (because they are similar or by curiosity) same for 何歳 = 몇 살... I'm guessing it'll get better once I reach an intermediate Japanese level but still, any tips on how to learn those 2 languages at the same time? I'm lowkey worried about how it could affect negatively my Korean skills. (I'm a native French speaker and studied Spanish 6 years at school. Both languages are know to be similar but since French is my native language I never had this problem of mixing them up)

submitted by /u/nooonehi
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