Japanese or mandarin

So I’m studying Spanish and Russian and my Spanish is going great I hope to switch focus from it to Russian by about February or March and shortly after that I plan to add a new language. I’m currently debating whether I should choose Japanese or mandarin I’ve already learnt hirigana katakana and a few kanji but that’s not a definite decider more for fun but it would give me a head start I would learn Japanese because I love their culture anime and it sounds fun to learn and although I would have to learn a lot of kanji half of their texts are still just hirigana and katakana witch is easier but it’s only spoken by manly people in Japan with mandarin there are over a billion speakers and a lot of Chinese in Australia which is where I live with plus the rise of China coming soon it’s going to spread even more so it would be a more useful language to learn and my mother is planing to learn i so I think it would be really fun to do it with her and the grammar is apparently close to English and I do like the language although not as much as Japanese but unlike Japanese every single character is it’s own word and most of them complex even though I love foreign scripts and writing them that’s a lot and when I learn a language I plan to get pretty good at it so what do you think? The language that I like more and is easier to write or the one that is more useful but harder to write with closer grammar to english and that I still like it?

submitted by /u/drymoisture123
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