Does anyone else find Pimsleur to be painfully slow?

I want to use it because of how many times it was recommended, on top of it having good reviews. But I genuinely can't sit through the 30 minutes half the time without getting wholly distracted or wanting to go do something else because of how horribly slow it all is. I'm learning Japanese, as an FYI, and I'm no where near new to the language. My pronunciation is pretty spot on if I can say that, and I could read all hiragana and katakana before I ever started Pimsleur. A few kanji, as well.

I don't know. I really want to like it and use it because of how cheap it is (in comparison to some others I've looked into) but my gods. It's like the "teacher" is pretending he's Dora the Explorer. Huge pauses, repeated questions... maybe it'll be less annoying to me when I get further in, considering half of what's being taught in the early lessons is stuff I already know. I just hate how long it spends breaking down word pronunciation, since I already know all of it. Bah. This turned out more rant-y than I meant it to be haha.

submitted by /u/shugarysubstances
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