What Slavic language should I learn?

A few months ago, I began working in a store with almost entirely Eastern European/Slavic products, food, staff, and customers. Almost everyone working at the store speaks Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, or multiple. (For reference, I'd say the store is split 60% Polish, 25% Ukrainian, and 15% Russian.)

While for the most part I can get away with speaking English, I have problems with communication multiple times a day that stem from me not being able to speak or at least understand one of the languages. A few of the staff have said that Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish are somewhat mutually intelligible (at least for basic communication).

I've also wanted to travel to Eastern Europe for a long time now, so learning the language wouldn't just be for the job. It would be a lifetime skill I would want to become fluent in.

By the way mods - I tried to be as specific as possible and not vague as to comply with rule 2, let me know if I need to add more detail about the situation

submitted by /u/wienerdog1243
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