How to go from semi-fluency to full fluency in Spanish?

So I took Spanish in high school/college and lived in Mexico on my own for a few months with no English speaking assistance, and have travelled through Spanish speaking countries with no major assistance. I also deal with Spanish speaking clients regularly at my business and communicate with them.

My problem is that I feel like I'm just below fluent, and I'm not sure how to address that. Like, I tested out of Duolingo and 9/10 times I can get my point across in Spanish, but it doesn't feel natural. Like, I sound clunky if I'm not prepared for the topic. I feel like my written and speaking comprehension are great, but I have trouble understanding spoken Spanish sometimes (except Mexican Spanish lol, my host family joked that I spoke Mexican because when I met a Chilean guy, I was totally lost and kept asking him to repeat stuff). I can understand movies/TV/games in Spanish pretty well, so long as the subtitles are on.

So like... where do I go from here? I really want to sound professional in my Spanish and improve my listening ear.

Thanks for the help!!!

submitted by /u/OnRoadSupBoop
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via Learn Online English Speaking
