How doable is it to reach a conversational level by practicing 3 days a week with a tutor?

Hi! I grew up in Philippines, but I moved to America when I was in 2nd grade. I lost fluency in Cebuano and completely forgot Tagalog. I can comfortably understand 70% of what my family says in their day-to-day conversations, but I frequently struggle with vocabulary and overall just piecing the words together. I’d say I’m an A1, but if if I’m given time (like texting), I’m around A2-B1. I’ve been heavily interested in becoming fluent, or at least conversational, in the Cebuano language again! I’ve been thinking about getting an online tutor and meeting up with them for an hour for 3 days/week. And of course, I’ll spend my own time memorizing vocabulary and internalizing all the new information I gain.

I was wondering how effective this plan is? I know it’s not as good as full, 24/7 immersion, but I feel like online tutoring is where I’d feel the most comfortable practicing my skills.

submitted by /u/GGix_WP
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