How do you train your ear to tell the difference between a recording and your verbal copy?

Hi, I have found it quite hard to mimic pronunciation/intonations, cuz I often find myself not able to tell the difference between my recordings and native speaker's recordings. I mean my ears are definitely aware that something's off. However, it's usually a very vague idea and I often find myself going in the wrong direction(for example if there's a difference between the vowels, I may pick up false patterns like the duration or the pitch of the sound rather than the vowel itself).

Sometimes I think I'm doing a great job, until to be pointed out that I'm still wrong. Sometimes I think I haven't been pronouncing something almost the same way for dozens of times, until to be complimented it's way better.

I do have a speech therapist who has been working with me for 4 months. However, I'd love to train my ears and be more mindful and discerning to have a better self-correct mechanism in place! I watch videos in my target languages all the time so watching more is not gonna help. Do you guys have any suggestions?

submitted by /u/ApprehensiveRisk7316
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via Learn Online English Speaking
