Spanish or Arabic for a college student ?

I’m an incoming college student and am deciding between taking Spanish and Arabic to fulfill my language requirement. I’m very much stuck and so would appreciate any help!

A little background:

I’ve taken Latin all four years in high school. I’ve done well, but I don’t feel super confident in my skills. Especially given the fact that I’ve spent the last year on zoom — I feel like I’ve forgotten a lot. So I don’t think I’ll be able to easily slide into Spanish.

The language I would really love to learn is Hebrew, as I visit Israel often and have lots of family there. But unfortunately that’s not offered at my school. That’s why I’m thinking about Arabic — I see it as maybe the next best thing?

On the other hand, I live in the States, and so Spanish would be very useful.

Also — languages have never come easily to me. So the difficulty of the language is a factor.

Thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/LatinIdioms
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via Learn Online English Speaking
