I spoke Korean with native speakers and it felt great!

Have to celebrate! I went to get my nails done and realized the women there were speaking Korean. When my nail tech asked me (in English) if I liked the color, I swallowed my nervousness and replied "yes, it's very pretty" in Korean. She looked so shocked and complimented my accent. We then had a lovely conversation about how long I've been learning and which dramas are best for listening practice (according to her, not Crash Landing on You). Some of the other nail techs joined too and it was just such a happy little moment for me.

My Korean is FAR from perfect and it was a very simple conversation. There were a few times they had to switch briefly back to English when I didn't understand a question. But I still felt so accomplished for taking the plunge and just trying. Not to mention it felt really cool saying "bye" and "thank you" to each other in Korean on my way out the door!

Fellow language learners: don't be scared to take an opportunity to speak.

submitted by /u/PenguinBluebird
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