I feel so mixed up and confused. I learned things “out of order” and now it feels like my brain is a mess. Any advice?

I’m learning Greek, and I’ve gone through about 4 different tutors for various reasons. One of them taught me all the tenses, basically. The rules about how you put them together. But not how you actually use them or put them into practice. Or what vocabulary you use with them. And when I try it feels like this big ball of thorns and I’m trying to do all these things and I can do them, but only kinda. I feel like I can’t even do the simplest of texts because what if it could be something else, you know?

My knowledge is so fractured. I’m thinking about giving up. I don’t want to because I love it. I’m B2 in Italian and that gave me so much pleasure. And the start of Greek did too, but I almost feel like I’ve messed up somehow and…I don’t know how to go back.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/ButterscotchOk8112
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