Finding assimil difficult

I've been learning French for a few months now, and started using assimil about 2/3 months ago. I'm using the French with ease, but the newer 2020 version. The first 30 or so lessons were good and fairly smooth sailing, I was learning a lot each lesson and could remember most of what I learnt. I'm now on lesson 54 and it is getting a lot more difficult. The productive phase is easy enough, but it's the first phase which I'm now struggling with. The lessons are long (20 or so lines), and I rarely understand the lessons in the first hearing. Even in the revision dialogues I don't seem the understand the listening on the first recording, but need to listen whilst reading the French to be able to somewhat follow. As a test, I tried to listen to two past lessons, 40 and 42. 40 was ok and got the gists and was able to understand most of it (though some lines were difficult). 42 was very difficult and barely understood, except for the main plot - however it's difficult to know if I'm understanding because I understand the French, or if I just remember the lesson. Whilst reading the French text and listing I am a lot more comfortable and can follow.

My general process has been: 1) listen first without reading 2) listen whilst reading English diagolue 3) listen whilst reading french dialogue 4) go through line by line whilst repeating and looking at translation 5)listen again reading french 6) listen again without looking 7) read grammar notes and do exercises. The listening translate exercises I almost never get first time, the written ones are a bit better but still need to lookup things.

Not sure what to do now, I don't want to give up on the series. I am thinking to take a break and go through the past ten lessons or so all again to rejig my memory, or to continue at a slower pace whilst also reviewing. I'm half tempted to try the assimil french with ease older version as I read the 2020 one is harder. Comparing the two books the pre 2020 one was a lot simpler in terms of length (but had more lessons) which would suit me more.

Not sure, any advice please

submitted by /u/sportsvolume
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