Random sentence generator

Hi all!

I made a random sentence generator for myself and thought someone else might like it. It creates sentences in English, which I then use to practise my translation and writing in Polish (due to cases and declension, I haven't made one that does the opposite yet).

It is optimised for those learning Polish on a case-by-case basis, and ofc at this stage only uses vocab that I've been learning. However, because it's in English, there shouldn't be an issue with people using it for other languages.

It's very much a work in progress at this stage. I add new words constantly, and have been adding new categories, too. At this stage, I haven't included plural forms.

If this looks cool or helps you at all, let me know! Happy to take on board suggestions, and also happy to help others set up one for their own language if they want :)

submitted by /u/pristeaq
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/3i7ZTlF
via Learn Online English Speaking
