Planning on taking the DELE B2 exam. Tips on making a study schedule?


sorry if this is in the wrong category, I posted it in resources because I’m looking for resources to help me reach my DELE goals.

I’m planning on taking the DELE B2 exam, likely in the summer of 2023.

I’ve been learning Spanish for 5 years now, and reached a B1 level, however for the last 2 years (since I graduated high school) I’ve been seriously slacking and my learning has been almost stagnant. I’m currently probably a beginning A2 level, and definitely not as good as I was.

So, I do have to spend a lot of time reviewing and relearning content. I do also have to make the jump of learning from B1 to B2 anew. But, I have 2 years to do it.

How would you recommend designing a study schedule or goals for studying?

Currently, it is my goal to completely redo the Duolingo Spanish tree without skipping any parts of it, just to freshen up on remembering vocabulary words and getting in the habit of studying again. I intend to be done with this by the end of August 2021 (3 months from now.)

Is there anything that you would recommend next? I honestly don’t really have a clue other than purchasing some YA books and reading them and focusing on talking to native speakers, but I kind of also want to complete a designated course or book after finishing Duolingo, one that is a little more advanced.

Thank you for your suggestions!

submitted by /u/cicero779
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