Participants needed for research study on experiences of people learning their ancestral language

Hello everyone!

I am a grad student currently conducting research for a course project on the experiences of adults learning their ancestral language (the language of their home country, community, parents, etc.). The study will focus on identifying the challenges that they face during the language learning process in order to develop tools that can help support them.

I am looking for people (18+) who are available to have a 30-45 minute interview with me on their language learning experience sometime within the next two weeks (this can be via phone or Zoom - your preference!).

This study is not compensated, but I would greatly appreciate anyone who can help! Additionally, I can help others with their research projects as well.

If you are interested, please fill out your email in this form and I will reach out to you with more details and set up a time if you are still interested. Thank you all so much!

submitted by /u/sereneeunoia
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
