Nothing is better than looking back at where you were and how far you’ve come!

I got emotional just now. I started learning Portuguese just over a year ago and I had joined a Discord server for Portuguese learners like myself.

When you join, you usually have to select your language ability which labels your profile as a native or beginner or intermediate. It helps people easily view your level etc.

I entered that server I joined almost a year ago today and clicked on my profile and saw I was still labeled as “iniciante” which means “beginner”.

And I started to tear up because I had forgotten all about that and never updated my profile as the months passed.

I’m no longer a beginner and around B1-B2, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve had to tell a native “sorry I just started learning Portuguese!!”.

Now the language is just a part of who I am, part of my daily life, the other half of my brain.

It was almost like I left myself a little present for the future and didn’t even know it. Oh look I’m crying again!

submitted by /u/cubicbher
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
