Finally finding the channel in your mind that opens the floodgates to a new language may be one of the greatest feelings in the world

I guess this is half success story, half advice for those starting the path.

What made the difference is that I finally found my person. My teacher. My maestro. I finally feel comfortable and can completely let my hair down around her.

As such, I've had probably six hour-long speaking sessions in the past two weeks and, suddenly, I see the channel opening for me.

I get into the groove. Pienso en español. My brain just opens up to the feeling and the words flow. You the words magically start to awkwardly land out of your mouth and they're somehow 90% correct.

Guys, seriously. Stick with it. The rush is insane.

Suddenly you're having really fine-grain, deep discussions about culture and life and humanity with people from an entirely new perspective simultaneously held next to your native perspective in an entirely new language.

The language both permits and allows you to dig into different nuances of meaning and feeling than you had ever thought of before. Instead of seeing things as road blocks, see them as invitations to understand new perspectives on how to defining meaning.

And when it's SO FUN.

Remember: THIS IS ALL SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!! That's the whole point!

Seriously, though, its much easier to stay with it when you take the time to find the right teacher, the right content, the right routes to memory that make sense for you.

But, unfortunately, no one else can make you care and make it fun for you. It's your responsibility to keep it light, loose, and fun!

submitted by /u/itzepiic
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
