Fear of speaking my indigenous language with my family after learning it

I grew up speaking Arabic and English, but there was one other language that I felt I should have more of a connection to: Assyrian Neo- Aramaic. This is because it's my indigenous language and my family speaks it (way less than Arabic though). My grandparents speak the language often with each other and some relatives. Two years ago I didn't understand almost everything, but now I can understand the vast majority of conversations. I'm proud of this, but I'm still super shy and anxious to speak it. One thing is that mostly no one speaks to me unless I initiate conversations, so I rarely even speak to my family. When they start conversations with me, I talk a lot. My grandparents may be impressed, but I just don't know how to go about telling them. I'd love to speak to them in the language, but it's just the fear holding me back. I know if I don't speak the language, it'll be harder to retain and I want to retain it. My parents can understand and speak it, but they prefer Arabic and don't like to speak the language for some reason. When I told them I can understand and speak the language now, they just nodded their heads and didn't care at all. Can anyone relate, and how did you gain confidence to speak the language you learned with friends and family?

submitted by /u/YonaDmikha
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