What Languages have a doubling operator like Thai’s ๆ ?

So, although I do not know the technical jargon for it, there is this symbol in Thai: ๆ. When written, it’s a substitute for repeating the previous word (e.g. for emphasis). So “ เด็กๆ “ would be read as “ เด็ก เด็ก “. (The word means “child”, emphasized it becomes “children” but read more like “child child”.)

I was wondering what other languages have such a construct? The Thai wikipedia page on this topic mentions that Laos (understandably, considering history), and I think Cambodia, have a variant of this. I know that in English people repeat (parts of) sentences via putting double quotes (“) on the line below it —although that’s kind of a different thing.

submitted by /u/Nilstyle
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