Study time calculator

Hi, I want to share a link to something awesome. A study time calculator.

It is based on the FSI estimates and takes into account several variables. As the author says, you need to take it with a grain of salt because it cannot take into account everything (but I don't agree that just not being an English native makes it not applicable to you at all).

So, if you feel any kind of "how long to reach B1" or "for how long a day should I study" question burning you, go for it. I find it surprisintly realistic, in spite of the obvious limitations.

What I like the most is clearly visualising the link between the results and several common variables. Your motivation (it even surprised me, how much this one changed the estimate), amount of study sessions per week, length of the study sessions (finally! someone recognizes that the "ten minutes a day" approach is horrible for most people, because you'll need decades to get somewhere), and previous experience (in a limited way, "just" whether you've learnt a language yet, not which one).

I played with it a bit yesterday and I was surprised. I found the estimates realistic and motivating. And given the nature of the impreciseness, I think most people are likely to do slightly better than expected, if we really stick to the plan put in.


submitted by /u/an_average_potato_1
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
