Listening comprehension lagging a lot behind speaking, writing and reading

I am currently studying Macedonian, and while I can understand written quite well, I can write and speak decently my listening comprehension is just really bad. It is bad to such a degree that I basically can't have conversations at all, even though I know how to respond in Macedonian I just can't understand what the other said. And if I can't have conversations it is hard to get my listening comprehensino up.

Normally I would listen to a lot of movies or other media in Macedonian but it is hard for me to find any because the language is so small. Further, my level is still so low that if I watch say a news broadcast I can only pick up random words. Does anybody have any tips how to improve my listening comprehension from a low level? Besides listening my comprehension of the language is probably middling.

submitted by /u/Flying_Rainbows
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