Is the Field of Linguistics Too Diluted And Popular?

I want to pursue linguistics in university and get my PhD in some sort of linguistics field hopefully someday, but I worry that it's too competitive, making the job opportunities very limiting, and that scares me a bit. I base that opinion on seeing the amount of people interested in the field online. Maybe it's not as popular as I'm perceiving it to be and that's just me staying in the online language-learning echo chamber (not saying they're the same, but the subject of linguistics comes up a lot). I don't know. Let me know what you think. Are there viable job opportunities after majoring in linguistics without going the graduate school route, or is it like psychology where everyone and their grandmother majored in it in college making it a career path that everyone pursues? I have been really interested in pursuing the forensic linguistics field as of recent times. I think it is very interesting. The link leads to some information about it if you’re interested.

Also (edit), someone had said that the interest stems, and possibly the subreddit member numbers on r/linguistics attribute to this as well, from people without degrees when this was a stand-alone post. Would that be a valid assumption to make?

submitted by /u/espressochocolato
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