Hello, I'm "Linguatarian"

I post A LOT of language-related content when I can. On Instagram, I have a language of the week where each week I choose a language and each day of that week I go through and discuss each aspect of the language, from culture of the people who speak it to grammar. I am learning Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Italian, and have videos teaching different aspects of these languages on my YouTube channel. Besides languages, I have begun posting linguistic content (though far from expert level) on both, since I have gained enough of an interest in that field recently to make videos and informational Instagram posts on it. This is probably a stupid post, but I have worked hard on this, and want people to see it after almost a year of content creation. Pretty much all of this information, especially the linguistics content, is self-taught through online resources and information I have acquired through speaking with qualified people. I do have plans to add a lot of credibility to my videos, posts, etc. I am currently a high school senior and want to formally study linguistics/languages, but cannot until I go to university next fall. Good stuff is here, but really good stuff is coming, rest assured, friends. Check it out if you're interested. Hopefully I'll see you commenting or whatever. Bye!

submitted by /u/espressochocolato
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/3eKQUn9
via Learn Online English Speaking
