Esperanto and other constructed languages

So I recently discovered this language that's supposed to be easy to learn and grammatically consistent, I think it would be great if it was internationalized but no country speaks it and only language lovers bother to learn a thing or two about it, which I understand, why would you learn something that you will never actually use? I personally won't learn Esperanto because there's no point, what I love about language learning is talking to people and watching movies, I can't do any of that with Esperanto.

But regardless of Esperanto's world wide situation it's still a great idea and concept for a united world through a language. I know English is is taking over that role but Esperanto is desinged to be easy to learn and much more consistent. It remind me of Galactic Basic (Star War's main language) in te sense that it's a language that the whole galaxy speaks and it's the norm.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Would you like for Esperanto or other constructed language to be internationalized?

submitted by /u/MrPlato_
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
