Anxiety when speaking to my partner in his language - Is this normal?

Background info: My boyfriend and I have done our relationship entirely in English, I have been learning Spanish for some time and I'm preparing to take the DELE B2 and do a master's program in Spanish. We both live in Spain.

Since I need to use Spanish more than he needs to use English, I have been trying and asking to switch our language to Spanish. However, I find myself always having extremely bad anxiety and get nervous trying to speak to him. I can speak to my friends, handle my everyday tasks, etc in Spanish, but I can't do it with him. In addition to this, when I do finally get past some anxiety, he 90% unintentionally switches back to English, whether he means to or not, which makes me feel discouraged.

Is it normal to have this much anxiety when speaking a foreign language with your partner?

submitted by /u/catlessinseattle
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via Learn Online English Speaking
