
Lately I’ve been very stressed out from college, sports, life, and this has affected language learning. The last few weeks I’ve had minimal motivation or energy to study or do much active work in Spanish or French, which lead to me getting even more discouraged. Lately I felt myself being scared to speak Spanish on Italki or with my brother because i was just so worried about making mistakes. I noticed that i started speaking very slowly and unconfidently and making more mistakes as a result. So i took a good 4 day break from active listening, reading, watching anything. But today i was in my college writing class on zoom and we were doing a discussion and midway through my discussion point i started to speak in Spanish and idk why. I didn’t try it’s like i was talk and it just came out. I don’t remember what point i was making but i said something like “what I’m trying to explain is that it’s como eso, o sea lo que quiero decir” and i just froze because i was shocked, and surprised. I will usually do something like this when I’m translating at work for a costumer. My brain might get stuck in Spanish and it takes a few seconds to switch back to English. But I’ve never had Spanish come out when i was just speaking English. But this gave me the confidence boost I’ve been missing these last few weeks. This showed me that my brain is not thinking of Spanish so much as a foreign language but more of a second language. It showed me that my little world of “immersion” is working. It’s kind of a silly thing that happened today but it made my day so much better.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this. If so I’d love to hear about it

submitted by /u/Typical_Breath_9811
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
