How many words do you try to memorize at once?

I've always struggled with language learning. I have a tutor now who I plan to have a lesson with once a week to teach me grammar and pronunciation. She told me it's best for me to focus on learning individual words as much as I can between lessons but I'm really struggling with remembering anything. I write the word in English and then the language I'm learning, then rewrite it on a flashcard to test myself with. I try this with 15-20 words at once but then I'll only manage to properly remember one that will actually stick in my memory. I don't know if it's smart to go down to learning 5~ words at once because that feels like it will be endless. I know language learning isn't a quick and easy process and actually takes a lot of time and practice. I think I'm just getting really discouraged when I spend a day using flashcards and then by the end I'll only have one or two words I can actually recall.

submitted by /u/shadowofassassin
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