What are your favorite sayings in your target language that don’t have easy translations in your native language?

For example, im a native English speaker and my favorites in French (Quebec French specifically) are

J’t’aime: pronounced something like “shtem”, and means like “I love you” but much less serious than “je t’aime”. Very cool to have a way to say that you appreciate someone that isn’t as serious as “i love you”

Ça fait du bien: a saying that means something roughly like “that warms my heart/that’s nice/that’s makes me feel good/that does good for me(more directly)”

En plus: something that gets added on to emphasize the addition of something. Can’t come up with a good way to translate this even though it seems really simple. It just flows really well.

Let me know if I have interrupted any of these wrong, I totally could have. Regardless I love these sayings, and would love to hear what y’all have discovered in your target languages.

submitted by /u/InternationalAd2981
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