Problems with German vocabulary

I was enrolled in a German school in my native country when I was three years old, and stayed in that school for around 11 years. Even though I didn´t finish school there I never forgot my German, and was actually better than many of my ex-classmates who finished high school there. I recently decided I wanted to improve on my German skills with the goal of reaching the C2 level. I currently hold a B1-B2 level. I got a native teacher and have focused on graded readers. However, I am having some trouble expanding my vocabulary. I´ve tried the Tobo vocabulary app, and whenever I come across a word on the graded readers that I don´t know, I write it down, make lists of about 35 words and review them daily. I still have trouble with the vocabulary, and have struggled for a long time learning new words in ancient Greek, Latin and French - languages I have dabbled in. Can anyone help me find a way to increase my vocabulary; techniques, tips, or methods that have helped you increase your vocab in the more advanced levels, since I already have all the basics of German. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Lfvd95
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