Is my learning resources and routines good enough ?

I have been learning Spanish for a month now. I need to know if my ways of learning is effective or not. My goal is to be fluent somewhere in between B2 or C1 level.

What I do on weekdays,

  1. 1 Pimsleur lesson first thing after i wake up
  2. Review my Anki - for vocab
  3. Duolingo
  4. 1 Netflix episode in my target language
  5. Listen to podcast/music/youtube videos in Spanish during my free time (jog, commute, etc)
  6. Add 10-25 words (to Anki) - I add my own vocab rather than just download it (not sure if that’s better)
  7. 1 Pimsleur lesson again before sleep (Optional)

On the weekend, I do the same routines as my weekdays’ with extra :-

  1. Read and complete exercise from my grammar book titled ‘’Easy Spanish step by step by Barbara Bregstein’’. ( I always tried to finish a chapter or at least cover half of it)
  2. Review last exercise from my grammar book
  3. Write notes in Notion (usually just rewrite what I learnt from my grammar book)

My plan in the future :-

  1. After completing Pimsleur, move on to Assimil then Glossika and finally started using iTalki until I reach fluency.

Extra info :-

  1. English is my second language
  2. I‘m a 24 years old working man
  3. I practiced all of my routine on my iPad with pencil and keyboard.
  4. I plan to reach my goal by the end of this year (too hopeful maybe?)

What do you think? Is there anything I need to add or reduce? Please comment your thoughts and also if you’re feeling generous, share your own language learning routine. That would be very much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Infamous-Grade-8218
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
