Gaming on the Nintendo Switch for Language Learning

Just want to give a shout out to the Nintendo Switch for being a great resource at the intermediate level. I've been getting in a ton of native input from this alone.

Almost every game I download has multiple language options, almost always Japanese, Spanish, French, German and Italian. Often there are more. The great thing for me is that it tells you which languages are supported on the product screen before you buy or download.

When I used to game on the Xbox I'd often have to download the game first or Google extensively to find out if it would support other languages which was a massive pain.

For anyone here who prefers immersion based learning and likes gaming I hope this helps. For me it's the 2nd best tool I've used for language learning after Lingq. Sorry for the length of the post, I just downloaded the Spyro remake and got really excited because I can replay this game endlessly and it has 14 options (2 are Spanish so really 13).

I don't often post so I dunno how to wrap this up and don't wanna ramble. I guess have fun guys and I hope someone can benefit from this like I have.

submitted by /u/FindingOrderInChaos
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
