For everyone who teaches English as a second language, I'm seriously considering that career path and would like to ask some questions

Where do you work? (organisation name, work conditions)

What skills are required to do this job?

What type of person would do well in this occupation? (e.g. personality, interests)

What are the good things about this job?

What are some challenges for people working in this job?

What other demands does this job make? (e.g. travel, shift work, work at home)

What education and training would I need to work in this job? (e.g. subjects, courses)

Are there entry requirements? (e.g. work experience, physical qualities)

What are employment opportunities like now and in the future for people looking for work in this occupation? (locally, nationally, overseas)

What jobs/types of work are similar to this occupation?

Who could I talk to or contact if I wanted to find out more about this job?

Thanks you so much! :)

submitted by /u/Ace_Of_Hearts69
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
