We need native Norwegian speakers

Hello again. Sorry if this seems like spamming, everything's moving really fast so there are a lot of updates.

We're working on a "Getting Started with Norwegian" page on our website, to help absolute beginners. It's nowhere near done yet, but I suspect it should be done in a few days.

We need native speakers to record audio of them pronouncing a few words and terms, to teach beginners some Norwegian pronunciation. Of course, we will add your name on a special recognition page with your very own avatar and description - I know it's not much but it's a small thanks for the help.

If you'd like to check the project out, you can do so at https://sites.google.com/view/dugnadsand

Thanks! :)

submitted by /u/WuvMyBabyJess
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from Ẹ káàbọ̀ https://ift.tt/3n2uU9p
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