Starting a new language 2021

I started a language learning website in Jan. 2020 without knowing anything about languages XD Anyway, from that point a basically forced myself to become an "expert" on the subject. I didn't but that's besides the point. I fell in love with languages and pretty much gave up on the site completely. In that time I picked up conversational French and German, and random levels between A1 and A2 in a bunch of other languages, mainly romance languages.

The problem is, I started Romanian, Portuguese, and Italian, all from scratch at the same time. They got super mixed up and I never really picked up on any of them. I also dived heavily into Russian but being such a hard language I got 300 (?) words under my belt and couldn't get much further. So, for 2021 I've decided to get better at French, German, and a third language. One which I haven't looked into before. Something new.

I've been pretty set on Polish because I really like Polish music, but being such a hard language, and with me not seeing myself living in Poland, I'm not sure how good of a time investment this is.

A little more context for those who care, I'm 16, I plan on moving out of the USA at 18, with three of my friends. We're going to travel around Europe for 5 (maybe more) years, starting the first three months in Wales or Germany.

Any input on which language would be most useful to me, being in Europe for probably the rest of my life and not having many job worthy skills? Music is also a heavy influence on my learning.

Thank you :)

(And happy new year, almost!)

submitted by /u/fckthisshitman
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from Ẹ káàbọ̀
via Learn Online English Speaking
