Has anyone here achieved significant proficiency/fluency in Swahili or another Bantu language?

Throughout my language learning career, I've mostly focused on Russian and other Slavic languages, with some meanderings into Persian, Arabic, and the Turkic languages in general.

I've always had a distant fascination with the Bantu languages, though, with their prefixes, noun classes, and agglutination. Swahili is the one that attracts me the most since it seems to be the most popular, and its Arabic influence makes it easier for me to guess at the meanings of some of the words. The languages in the southern part of Africa (Zulu/Xhosa/Ndebele) are also interesting to me, mainly because of the clicks, and I am really curious about how exactly the clicks entered these languages from the neighboring Khoisan languages.

From a practical perspective, though, it seems impossible to gain any significant fluency in these languages without visiting a country where it's spoken, or at the very least having a teacher/class. I'm mostly into gaming and often like listening to gaming videos/streams in languages I barely understand, but I can't find any gaming videos/streams recorded in Swahili or another Bantu language, let alone any games that have been translated into one of those languages.

I suppose a big part of it is that there isn't really a market for that type of content, but there's always going to be a part of me that wonders what it would be like to try playing a classic game like FF6 in Swahili or Zulu, and see if I could guess what they're saying by my memory of the game and perhaps figure out the morphology from there.

submitted by /u/errordog
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