How to I achieve fluency?!

So this is a problem I've been noticing lately. I can't seem to express my thoughts properly no matter what Im trying

I've been exposed to english in some form or another my whole life but I've only started speaking strictly for the purpose of communicating from last year.

When I structure a sentence before I say it. It just feels like I'm translating word to word what I'd say in my native language in that situation. It's exhausting thinking about every word and the grammar before i say it

Words don't come out smoothly. I have to manually think what to say, unlike when I'm talking in my native language. when I speak in english I don't feel like I'm communicating my thoughts it feels more like reading off a paper. I can't get into the flow. My words seems robotic compared to anyone who has the fluency.

Im aware different languages have different context when talking about the same thing. I'm having trouble figuring out the context for english.

I want my words to come straight from my thoughts and what I want to express, rather than it being a translation of my native language.

What can I do to improve? Is this an issue with understanding the language and it's subtle characteristics?

Is there any book that addresses this problem and how to learn? Is there anyone in this sub who went through the same problem as me and have figured it out? If so please help.


submitted by /u/iron_dew
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from Ẹ káàbọ̀
via Learn Online English Speaking
