Does anyone else have the problem of audio books and print/digital books in your TLs not lining up?

TL = Target Lanuage

For example

The book I have, The Hobbit, would read:

In un buco nella terra viveva uno hobbit. Non era un buco brutto, sudicio eumido, pieno di vermi e intriso di puzza, e nemmeno un buco spoglio, arido esecco, senza niente su cui sedersi né da mangiare: era un buco-hobbit, vale a dire comodo.

but the audiobook reads:

In una caverna sotto terra viveva uno hobbit. Non era una caverna brutta, sporca, umida,piena di resti di vermi e di trasudo fetido, e neanche una caverna arida, spoglia, sabbiosa, condentro niente per sedersi o da mangiare: era una caverna hobbit, cioè comodissima

(I know that they are just using slightly different words to describe the same thing)

I know it is probably the problem of me having a more updated or different translation than the audiobook. But I was just posting to see if anyone else has the same problem. Sorry if this has been mentioned before

submitted by /u/OatmealAntstronaut
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via Learn Online English Speaking
