I need an adult. #motivation vs #burnout

I’ve been a language leaner for quite a while! I started with Spanish, and back then I used everything under the sun to add variety to my language learning journey. I got to an upper beginner level in Spanish until I burned out. I can have 45 minute conversations and I understand 60% of dialogue from the Spanish Speaking YouTubes and News casters I follow. I just don’t care anymore to actively study. #bigyikes

I’m learning Korean now after a long break of studying languages. I’ve studied for four months and I have already taken two hiatuses, but I’m back because I think it’s cool! Please love me and tell me I’m not crazy.

submitted by /u/TheDallasDallas
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from Ẹ káàbọ̀ https://ift.tt/3jyRN2t
via Learn Online English Speaking
