Discord for gaming and learning english?

Hi everyone,

I read in english with no problems for quite some time and everything I watch on YouTube is english with no need for captions. I do manage to express myself writing, but usually with a lot of grammar errors as I never studied english grammar for real. My main concern actually is speaking. Im a very shy person and have always struggled to speak in other languages.

So i thought that maybe training speaking by playing with english speakers might be a good idea. In the end, because of my shyness, I never had the courage to enter a english voice chat because I know I struggle to speak even some basic phrases sometimes.

That's why i came here to ask if there is any discord server for both gaming an learning english at the same time, so i can be forced to speak because of the game, but also not feeling too uncomfortable, as one of the purposes of the server would be to learn english.

(Im brazilian by the way)


submitted by /u/RedNilo
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from Ẹ káàbọ̀ https://ift.tt/3mEXZb7
via Learn Online English Speaking
