An Italian doubt

Hey guys, I'm scratching the surface of A1 and studying all on my own with apps, books and videos on YouTube channels from natives.

I got a really specific doubt and thought it belonged here. I'm using Duolingo to help out whenever I'm short on time, and I've noticed the verb "Essere" is used the same way as the verb "To be" in English, which means it's used for characteristics or places you are or someone else is. Is it like the verb To be or there are exceptions?

And I'm sorry if this question's not making a lot of sense, but in my native language (Portuguese) these are separate verbs, one for characteristics or conditions (the verb Ser) and for places you're in or going to (the verb Estar). So I was wondering what's it like in italian.

Thanks so much in advance, I hope you ace your studies!

submitted by /u/booleshow12
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from Ẹ káàbọ̀
via Learn Online English Speaking
