Are A1-C2 language learning tests accurate to your understanding of a language?

I've been learning Portugese for about for about 4 months and just took a language test for the first time and got told I was A1 and I feel I'm well above A1 at this point.

When I started, to learn the basics I used some apps but for a large majority of learning I've been doing nothing but talking to Brazilians on language exchange apps/video calls and writing new words in a book. If I had to guess I'd say I've spent somewhere between 10-30 hours on the phone speaking a combination of English and Portuguese.

At this point I can hold my own in basic conversation and speak well but my listening needs work. I feel as if this should add up to more than an A1 level and I'm trying to convince myself that I only achieved such a low score because I spend all my time having conversations rather than learning actual grammar.

But it's probably just ego

Anyway what's everyone's thoughts on the accuracy of the test?

submitted by /u/MMA_Chattin_2020
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from Tikilluaritsi | Languagelearning
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