Seriously don't know what to do, I just feel like I've hit a barrier, lost all motivation, and also don't know how to improve my Russian.

Okay, so I'd just like to start by saying that I'm sorry if this is dumb and belongs on r/languagelearningjerk, I just wanted to get some advice.

I've been learning Russian for the past almost two years, and lately it feels like I've seriously made almost no progress. When I watch native level content I can basically understand zero percent of what's going on, and when I watch stuff on Easy Russian I can understand around 50%. I've recently gotten an Anki list of the 3000 most common words, and I made it to 1100, but I'd say I know only ~700-900 well.

I just seriously don't know where I can improve from here, what do I need to do? Keep cramming more vocab? When do I stop? watch native content and talk to people? but I can't understand anything.

ugh :(

submitted by /u/SteveSapuko
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