Pronunciation with an online tutor

I've been self-studying Spanish for a few weeks focussed on reading and listening using News in Slow Spanish and Learning With Texts (LWT). It's going well. I'm able to understand large parts of articles on the first listen/read already. However, I recently started the FSI Spanish course with the plan of hammering through it to gain automaticity from the repeated drills.

The first two FSI units are pronunciation and there are notes in the text about being corrected by a teacher (FSI was a class-based program). I don't have a teacher, but was wondering if this is something to review with an online tutor (I've not used one before). I was thinking I could record myself doing the FSI exercises (~30mins of reading out random words/patterns), send the audio to a tutor for them to listen to, and then ask them to review any errors with me on Skype.

Does this sound reasonable? I'm unsure how much work online tutors do behind the scenes before a class. Is it OK to send them some work to review before the first class, or should I book a 30min class and pay for 60mins to cover the time they need to review the audio? Is paying an additional amount like this easy to do on iTalki?

submitted by /u/Lanky_Fly
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via Learn Online English Speaking
