Learning 3rd language

I have a question for anyone that has learned a 3rd (or more) language/s.

I'm a native English speaker learning Russian. At the moment I'd probably be generous and say I'm at an intermediate level.

I'm planning to go to Indonesia for a while in the near future so want to learn the language. For those that are learning multiple languages at once what is your experience?

I guess I'm worried learning Indonesian it will negatively effect my Russian learning. I'm not really basing this on anything though and could be wrong.

Have you found learning another languages hinders another or even helps?

I'm sure the brain is more than capable of learning 2 languages at once but interested to hear


submitted by /u/InternationalBorder9
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from Tikilluaritsi | Languagelearning https://ift.tt/3b4ch0C
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