Is it okay to learn a language for selfish reasons?

Hi folks

Growing up I spoke some Japanese with my parents around the house, and I want to pick it back up again. I did some research about success stories and how people stay motivated, and I read that there should be a big goal that you’re working for, the “why” of language learning.

Recently I discovered something fundamental about myself that I’m working on fixing: I’m incredibly motivated by impressing the people around me. For instance, I just lost 10 pounds and I kept thinking “I am going to impress that one person I have a crush on.” It worked, but that was a short term goal - it took only two months.

Since a language takes a long time, especially one like Japanese, is “I want to impress others” a strong enough goal? Should I find another “why?”

Edit: this is a toxic trait of mine and I am not a huge fan of it. Overall though, I’d say it doesn’t affect those around me. I do an okay job not to parade talents around, but when given the opportunity I will share my successes.

submitted by /u/rainier-cherries
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