How to re-learn my native language? (Irish)

Okay so first of all, my Irish isn’t exactly bad... It’s just that I don’t get a whole lot of chances to use it.

I did my leaving cert, and repeated it in 2014 and 2015, and I got almost the best possible results both times (leaving cert is the Irish national school leavers exams). For much of my childhood, Irish was exclusively my first language. Even now I could talk about complex politics stuff in Irish, just I think my spelling etc isn’t the best. I forget some words too, although when I hear them I know what’s being said.

I went on to study foreign languages in University, and I’ve found that my head jumps to thinking in Italian or French much faster than it does in Irish. At this point Irish is probably my 4th best language...

I think the problem is it’s very hard to find resources in Irish? Especially resources for beyond school exams. Even newspapers etc, we don’t have a lot of media. It’s also just easier to speak English with anyone, even people I know who studied Irish in university.

I don’t even know where to start. I have all my old school books, so maybe I can re-learn spellings and grammar points, and my brother graduated this year so he has some more recent books. I can watch the news in Irish, but I usually don’t watch anything on TV these days (just on my ipad), and also I don’t think my spoken/listening is the problem here.

If anyone has any suggestions at all, even for university level stuff or something, I’d gladly get whatever materials I can.

submitted by /u/LailaAsifreann
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